Sunday, October 11, 2015

   Hello, thanks for checking this blog out - it will be pretty cool (maybe).
   I am learning Japanese because the language has always been very exciting to me; it is exotic and unlike any other language on earth. I'm enjoying it, and hope to get better and better at it.
   There is another reason I am learning Japanese - I will be visiting Japan next summer with my partner and hope to understand enough to be able to survive for a few weeks. We want to visit the countryside, and I imagine that it would be pretty difficult to explore and experience new things without somewhat of a grasp on the language. We're both very excited; he wants to see a lot of temples and shrines, while I want to spend a lot of time in the arcades and even rent a bicycle and bike through Tokyo!


  1. すごいですね!わたしもにほんにいきたいんです。Even though Japan is right next to South Korea I haven't visited Japan yet. Hopefully I can get a chance to vist soon...

  2. Hello. I am Riku Sakuma from Japan. I am joining the tennis club and the committee for the students. I was born in Chiba prefecture. When I was a high school students, we moved to Tokyo home where my father’s place of employment. Then, my school was also in Tokyo, so I agreed with my parents’ ideas. By the way, I like to play tennis. When I was a junior high school student, I was playing tennis. My all of my family are also playing, so occasionally we play together. It is our bonds of family and our happiness. We love tennis so much. Thank you.
    マリオ64すきですか? ぼくもだいすきです。

  3. Hello, Why do you study Japanese? にほんのなにがすきですか?

  4. いいですね!わたしも今夏日本にいきます。ゲームセンター がすきですか。なんみやをみましすか。

  5. こんにちは!日本はすてきな国ですね。とうきょうへいきますか、きょうとへいきますか?
